Sunday, October 20, 2013

Updating Deliverable 2 and Onward

Before the weekend our team met and updated our previous deliverable, which included the test plan for our project. Our tests were planned more specifically with expected input and output, as well as a clear mapping form test to requirement being tested. The system testing area was entirely cleaved as we're focusing on one method out of a class for the moment, with many other methods in that class needing multiple tests. Instead of only having the required 5 tests for deliverable 2 we devised 5 additional tests after fixing the previous 5 bringing our total up to 10. Our focus for the next meeting is intended to be on deliverable 3, as this meeting was to ensure that we can hit the ground running for the next meeting.

On Sunday our team met again to start on deliverable 3. This meeting we created the first 10 test files we intended to use and sketched out the scripting file, as well as the overall plan. We ensured our repository had the necessary file system and our conceptual design for the rest of the deliverable was sound. With the completion of the test and us already knowing what the oracle should contain the script is the only piece that is really left.

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